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- Basterebbe soltanto copiare, ce la faremo?
- Certo, se ce lo dicono gli scienziati...
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- Giornata nera per il cinema
- Finalmente, un articolo equilibrato su SL
- 77 million paintings in Second Life
- Reportage da Frontiers of Interaction III
- Less irony than the previous, same hype
- His iPhone Diary
- Caffè dal retrogusto amaro

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Why, I ask WHY, yesterday at 8 PM on RAI 2 News they presented this video as an "amazing ape able to play drums"? I already knew many TV jounalists are DUMB, but SO DUMB? Or are they just trying to make US dumber more than we already are??
11:03 AM
Dunno... anyway that's funny! Maybe that bumb journalist is a wannabe copywriter ;-)
11:07 AM
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